How Bail Bondsmen Can Help Protect Your Privacy

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Run-ins with the law are often played out in public creating secondary issues beyond the problems caused by the alleged crime. The more time you spend publicly dealing with an arrest and the attendant fallout the more your private and professional lives are likely to suffer. As such, it’s in your interest to keep things associated with your legal troubles as low key as possible, and working with a bail bond agent is a great way to do that. A bail agent can provide the professional services you need to clear up any issues in a discreet and timely manner.

Low Key Meetings

Some people do not want to be seen entering the bonding company office. Whether they’re operating on their own behalf or on behalf of a loved one they would rather keep a low profile. In addition, some people with active warrants don’t want to venture any farther from home than they have to. So how can a bondsman help with that, or prevent you from being seen entering and exiting their company office?

Many (not all) bondsmen will agree to meet in a neutral location such as a coffee shop or a park. Some will even come to your home, although that’s not very common. Meeting the agent in a neutral spot in Denver County enables you to discuss your business without drawing attention to yourself. You can ask questions and learn what you need to know about the process out of the reach of prying eyes.

Round the Clock Service

Maybe you got arrested late at night and you don't want to miss or be late for work the next day. That would start tongues wagging and before you know it your private business would be common knowledge. For that reason, companies like Tayler Made offer 24-hour bail bonds.

This type of easy access to bail can ensure you are out before the sun comes up. And while you may be a little rough around the edges when you get to work you’ll nonetheless be there on time and your coworkers will be none the wiser.

But this type of round-the-clock access to bail does more than protect the privacy of the person who ran afoul of the law. It also helps ensure that any family members or friends who come to that person’s aid can conduct their business at night, free from intrusions.

If they get a call to help a family member during the day, they can simply ask that family member to hold on until they are finished with work before they visit the bail bond company. This way they do not have to explain to their employer why they’re suddenly running out.

Discreet Calls

Believe it or not, there are still several dozen pay phones operating in Colorado, with most concentrated in Denver, Golden and other cities. Why do we bring that up? Because cash bail agents will accept collect calls when it involves bailing a person out of jail.

Unlike your mobile phone, which keeps track of every number you’ve ever called, making a collect call from a payphone is a private affair. No one can listen in. There is no record of who you are and the bail agent will typically be happy to pick up the charge.

A quality bail bondsman understands that many people want to keep things as quiet as possible. They don’t want to leave a record on a company phone that they called a bail bondsman, nor do they necessarily want other family members or friends to know. So making a collect call is the perfect way to keep your business private. And don’t worry, the bondsman is used to taking collect calls.

Prevent Home Monitoring of Alcohol Consumption

Often times the state will release people who have been arrested for driving under the influence or other alcohol-related offenses without bail on the stipulation that they wear a blood alcohol scanner or a tracking device. The minute you go near a bar or take a drink the court knows and you are taken back into custody for violating the conditions of your release.

When you secure your release by means of bail such stipulations are usually taken off the table. This is yet another important way the bondsman helps ensure that your private business stays yours. Imagine having to go to work with a locator bracelet on. Or having your tracking device sound the alarm if you’re out after the state-imposed curfew? Not good. Working with a licensed bail bondsman can help prevent that.

Work With a Bonding Company and Retain Your Privacy

Getting arrested is no fun for anyone. The arrested person and his or her loved ones are not only subjected to the stress of the incarceration process and the legal circus it unleashes, but they also have to deal with friends, coworkers, neighbors and others potentially finding out about what happened. That could result in significant collateral damage to personal and professional reputations. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to happen to you. The bail bond agent provides many ways to help you keep your personal business your business. From untraceable collect calls to round-the-clock service, neutral meeting sites and more the bail agent is sympathetic to your plight and will work with you to resolve your issues in a discreet and professional fashion.

If you need affordable bail bonds, contact TaylerMade Bail Bonds by calling 303-623-0399.

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Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

(303) 623-0399
3595 South Teller Street
Suite 300A
Lakewood, CO 80235