For several years the so-called "bail reform" movement, led by the private Arnold Foundation, was able to go about its antisocial work largely in the dark. Bail reform was not an issue on most people's minds. So when a state or county somewhere decided to embrace a "catch and release" approach to criminal conduct, it barely made a ripple in the media. However, in the wake, New Jersey's disastrous no-bail experiment and California's 11th-hour ad...
It's hard to fight for victim's rights when state and local lawmakers take money from private, anti-bail forces and then try and ram through legislation nobody wants. But when the courts enter the fray and write their own anti-bail laws, the struggle for justice becomes next to impossible. That's what's happening in Missouri. The Missouri supreme court, mistaking itself for a legislative body, has decided to eliminate the bail bonds system in t...
In a representative democracy, people elect others to represent their interests in matters pertaining to their government. But because power tends to corrupt many of those public servants forget that they are servants and start listening more to wealthy campaign contributors than to the people they are sworn to serve. This is how special interests wrest control of the people's government from the people. One such special interest is the Arnold...
Proponents of so-called “bail reform” are fond of touting the alleged benefits of a world without bail bonds. To these short-sighted individuals bail is responsible for everything from climate change to the loss of manufacturing jobs and everything in between. But one thing proponents of the bail-less system aren’t so eager to talk about is how many new fugitives the bail free system is creating on a daily basis. It seems that once people reali...
The quest to undermine the bail bonds system that has worked effectively for a nearly a thousand years has been a multi-pronged effort. If you put this effort under a microscope however, you discover it has three essential components:
In 2017 New Jersey effectively did away with the cash bail bonds system. In its place they adopted a computer program that decided whether defendants should be held for trial or released without bail. In the two years since supporters of the change have scrambled to come up with any statistic they can find (or manufacture) to bolster the fantasy that this change has been good for the Garden State. Most of the arguments in favor of keeping the n...
While ordinary taxpayers have been busy going about their business bail “reformers” with powerful backers have brought financial ruin upon the judicial system in New Jersey, pushed through a bill in California (SB 10) that grants so much power to judges that even the ACLU has come out against it and created hundreds of thousands of new fugitives nationwide. To that last point there are many ways that attempts to eliminate the bondsman has creat...
Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
(303) 623-0399