Those opposed to the travesty called "bail reform" are often accused by social extremists of being bail bond company lackeys who put too much emphasis on the negative and not enough on the positive. Those hilariously named "social justice warriors" point to figures that show overall prison populations are down. They also repeat the claim that the main goal of bail reform was not to create a utopia but to sto...
In 2019, New York State instituted what was hailed by its supporters as a landmark piece of bail reform legislation. No longer would justice be undermined by the bail bond agent. No longer would decent, upstanding citizens be victimized by a bail system intent on punishing people for being poor. Now, everyone but the most violent offenders (and even some of them) would be released on their own recognizance so t...
During the 1990s and the early 2000s, Denver was something of a peaceful oasis at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Not anymore. Since 2014 the total number of murders, rapes, aggravated assaults, and car thefts has increased by more than 50% and the explosion in crime shows no signs of abating. In 2021 alone, 96 people were murdered in Denver - the highest homicide rate since 1981.
The ripple effects fro...
Bail reform has been a spectacular success, if skyrocketing homicides, aggravated assaults, sexual assaults and robberies are how you measure success. In Colorado, where the bail bonding company had been part of the criminal justice landscape since the 19th century, reforms have led to an outrageous spike in crime.
If you are skeptical about that let's look at some recent crime statistics issued by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation:
Most people would agree that someone who poses no danger to the public should not be held in jail indefinitely just because they cannot afford to post bail. If the goal of The Bail Project was simply to identify such individuals and help them gain their freedom then one might say it was a noble organization with a noble cause. But affordable bail bonds are not the goal of The Bail Project.
In December of 2020, M...
There are few issues more contentious than that of bail reform. As recently as 2019 there was still considerable momentum to do away with cash bail and those behind the movement were able to stand in front of cameras and, with a more-or-less straight face, declare that 24-hour bail bonds somehow made us all less safe.
And then 2020 happened.
The death of several suspects during encounters with police provided the excuse for months of lo...
For updated information on bail bonding reform in New York, see our additional content.
Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
(303) 623-0399