Bail Bonds News and Information

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Clothing rack with white dress shirts on wire hangers

Let’s say that for some reason the police arrested you. They brought you to jail, fingerprinted you and informed you of the charges against you. They then checked the bail schedule and told you how much it would cost to gain your release (the bail amount) pending your day in court. You then contacted a bail bond agent who posted your bond and you went home shortly thereafter.

Great. The system worked as intended and you are free to resume y...


Raised arms with handcuffed wrists and clenched fists

Getting arrested is likely to arouse a variety of feelings, not many of them good. You’ll no doubt be angry, resentful and to a certain extent, you’re likely to feel a sense of disbelief that it’s happening to you. As you’re sitting in the patrol car or police van, anger and resentment are likely to morph into fear and uncertainty. Where will they take you? Will you be safe? How do you notify loved ones of your predicament? How do you contact ...


Pair of closed black handcuffs and two keys on adjacent keyring pictured against white background

An active warrant is an order signed by a judge that empowers the police to arrest you and hold you until your scheduled day in court. If you have reason to believe there is an active warrant afoot with your name on it there are two ways you can deal with it. You can simply ignore it and wait for the police to come knocking on your Lakewood door, or you can get in touch with an attorney or bail bond agent (or both) and adopt a proactive appro...


Red 'top secret' stamped onto light brown form beside adjacent stamper

Run-ins with the law are often played out in public creating secondary issues beyond the problems caused by the alleged crime. The more time you spend publicly dealing with an arrest and the attendant fallout the more your private and professional lives are likely to suffer. As such, it’s in your interest to keep things associated with your legal troubles as low key as possible, and working with a bail bond agent is a great way to do that. A ba...



Popular culture has always had an outsized influence on how people perceive the world around them. That's particularly true when it comes to TV shows and movies like Perry Mason, Law & Order or Dirty Harry. In the service of drama, these movies and TV shows promote a version of the justice system that is at best marginally accurate. It's not that they try to intentionally deceive anyone, it's just that Hollywood's version of the bail bond agent...


Stack of twenty dollar bills viewed close-up with black background

When people get calls from loved ones who have been arrested it will usually come with a request that they help in the process of obtaining bail. In the vast majority of cases, the person receiving the call will be willing to help by working with the bail bond agent. However, they may quietly (or not so quietly) worry about, not just finding the cash or collateral to cover the bond, but the added expenses that are sometimes involved. In this...


What is a Bail Hearing?

Mahogany wood gavel and block in dark room

If you have ever spent time watching police dramas on television (think, “Law&Order”) you have no doubt heard the term “bail hearing” bandied about by the various characters. What’s never really clear in these fictional representations of the justice system is exactly what a bail hearing is, who is compelled to attend a bail hearing and what role the bail bond agent plays in all of this. In an effort to clarify things for you, the team here a...


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Recent Articles

Thursday, March 06, 2025 Mike Tayler
Anytime you bail out a friend or loved one you’re taking a chance. If the accused heads for the hills after being released and is never heard from again you are going to lose and lose big. If you paid cash instead of using a bondsman that cash will be forfeited. If you posted a property bond the court may foreclose on your house and sell it to get the bail amount, and if you enlisted the help of a bail bonds agent they are going to come knockin...
Saturday, November 19, 2022
When a person has been arrested there’s a lot going through their mind and it can sometimes be difficult to take a step back, take a breath and make sound decisions. One mistake a lot of people who have been arrested in Denver County, Golden, and elsewhere in Colorado make is deciding to act as their own bail bond agent by paying their own bail. Certainly, if they have the means it’s entirely legal for them to do so, but just because you can...
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Although those in favor of eliminating the centuries-old bail bonds system suffered a much deserved setback last year in the Colorado state senate, that hasn’t stopped them from trying to saddle taxpayers with their backward, short-sighted ideas. In fact, as you read this lobbyists are working the corridors of power in Denver trying to get legislators behind new efforts to eliminate cash bail. In its stead they propose using a deeply flawed comp...

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Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

(303) 623-0399
3595 South Teller Street
Suite 300A
Lakewood, CO 80235