Bail Bonds News and Information

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Metal statue of Lady Justice with metal scales Most people are aware of the constitutional right to bail but are often a bit fuzzy on the specifics. The concept of bail is nearly a thousand years old and has changed little over the centuries. Its primary purpose is to ensure that a person accused of a crime - who is after all presumed innocent - is not forced to sit in jail while awaiting trial as if she were guilty. It also provides an incentive for the accused to show up in court at the ap...


Police department entrance with warning signs With so-called bail bonds reform a hot topic in Colorado these days it’s important that taxpayers, the ones who will actually pay the price for bail reform failure, keep in mind the sad case of New Jersey. Oftentimes wolves come dressed in sheep’s clothing and that was certainly the case in 2014. That year bail reform was put to New Jersey voters in the form of a ballot question that seemed like a straightforward proposal that would allow the st...


Why Colorado Needs Bail

Wooden sign at Colorado border reading 'Welcome to Colorful Colorado' Although those in favor of eliminating the centuries-old bail bonds system suffered a much deserved setback last year in the Colorado state senate, that hasn’t stopped them from trying to saddle taxpayers with their backward, short-sighted ideas. In fact, as you read this lobbyists are working the corridors of power in Denver trying to get legislators behind new efforts to eliminate cash bail. In its stead they propose using a deeply flawed comp...


Handcuffs with one open link There has been a lot of talk recently about bail reform with a particular focus on something called “risk assessment algorithms”. The driving force behind the discussion is a desire by some on the left to circumvent the constitutional right to bail. According to them the constitution is irrelevant and computer programmers are better able to determine whether someone should be released pending trial than judges and prosecutors. Bail agents in par...


Stop sign near mature tree

Updated on July 24th 2023

In the final days of his governorship Jerry Brown of California signed into law a bill that went by the innocuous title of “SB10”. That is, Senate Bill 10. When it first came before the California legislature SB10 was hailed as the answer to everything that ails the American bail system. In one fell swoop unjust incarcerations would be eliminated, poverty would be decriminalized, those fine upstanding B&E guys wh...


Updated on September 22nd 2023
Vice President Kamala Harris

Among the 80 or so democrats who announced their Presidential candidacy in 2020 was Kamala Harris, who was (at that time) a California Senator. Sen. Harris made a lot of noise since announcing her candidacy about her deep-seated desire to do away with what she refers to as the “evil cash bail system.” As proof, she touts her plan (which went nowhere) to offer states $10 million in federal grant money if th...


Two police SUVs outside detention center building Few people would argue with the notion that the bail system in America is flawed and that some common sense reforms are long overdue. However, in recent years as momentum to develop and institute those reforms has gathered steam a more extreme group has effectively hijacked the reform movement.

To the leaders of this group nothing short of the total elimination of cash bail and the bail bonds system will do. The problem is, the proponents of...


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Recent Articles

Saturday, March 29, 2025 Mike Tayler
Anytime you bail out a friend or loved one you’re taking a chance. If the accused heads for the hills after being released and is never heard from again you are going to lose and lose big. If you paid cash instead of using a bondsman that cash will be forfeited. If you posted a property bond the court may foreclose on your house and sell it to get the bail amount, and if you enlisted the help of a bail bonds agent they are going to come knockin...
Saturday, November 19, 2022
When a person has been arrested there’s a lot going through their mind and it can sometimes be difficult to take a step back, take a breath and make sound decisions. One mistake a lot of people who have been arrested in Denver County, Golden, and elsewhere in Colorado make is deciding to act as their own bail bond agent by paying their own bail. Certainly, if they have the means it’s entirely legal for them to do so, but just because you can...
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Although those in favor of eliminating the centuries-old bail bonds system suffered a much deserved setback last year in the Colorado state senate, that hasn’t stopped them from trying to saddle taxpayers with their backward, short-sighted ideas. In fact, as you read this lobbyists are working the corridors of power in Denver trying to get legislators behind new efforts to eliminate cash bail. In its stead they propose using a deeply flawed comp...

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Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

(303) 623-0399
3595 South Teller Street
Suite 300A
Lakewood, CO 80235