If you have ever spent time watching police dramas on television (think, “Law&Order”) you have no doubt heard the term “bail hearing” bandied about by the various characters. What’s never really clear in these fictional representations of the justice system is exactly what a bail hearing is, who is compelled to attend a bail hearing and what role the bail bond agent plays in all of this. In an effort to clarify things for you, the team here a...
Over the course of our many years providing the people of Jefferson County and Arapahoe County with affordable bail bonds, we've heard a lot of strange things and fielded a lot of strange questions. One of those questions goes like this: "Should I turn down bail and just stay in jail until my court date?" You would be surprised how often we hear that. But while it might seem like a perfectly logical question to some, it's usually one that c...
Until they suddenly find themselves in need of a bail bond agent most people have no idea of how bail works or how to employ it to gain the freedom of their loved one. They have been aware of it most of their lives, heard the term bandied about countless times during TV police shows and may even know someone who was once bailed out, but that’s about as far as their experience and knowledge of the subject goes. So when the need arises to contact...
Although it has come under attack by some shortsighted groups and individuals in recent years, bail endures as the best way of ensuring the accused lives up to their responsibility to appear in court to face charges against them. In Colorado people arrested in Denver County, Jefferson County and elsewhere typically work with a bail bond agent who posts a bond to obtain their release.
If all goes well during the ensuing trial and the defen...
If you or a loved one has been arrested it can be an extremely stressful experience. If you have little or no experience with the court system in Denver County, Jefferson County or Golden you may have no idea how to proceed, and depending on the severity of the charges against you or your loved one, obtaining bail may present a significant hurdle.
If the charges against you are serious, or you have a prior criminal record obtaining bail may...
It is, unfortunately, fairly common for people out on probation to be arrested for another offense. This raises a question bail bond agents hear all the time: "Can I post bail if I violate my probation?" As is the case with most things related to the law, the answer is "It depends on the circumstances."
If you violate the terms of your probation by committing a crime in Colorado...
When a person has been arrested there’s a lot going through their mind and it can sometimes be difficult to take a step back, take a breath and make sound decisions. One mistake a lot of people who have been arrested in Denver County, Golden, and elsewhere in Colorado make is deciding to act as their own bail bond agent by paying their own bail. Certainly, if they have the means it’s entirely legal for them to do so, but just because you can...
Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
(303) 623-0399